Every 10th of September has been declared World Suicide Prevention day, this is organized by the International Association for suicide prevention and co-sponsored by WHO as one of the policies to prioritize suicide prevention and awareness of suicide as a public health issue. Suicide is defined as the act of deliberately taking one’s life. A person who tries to take his or her life can be said to have made a suicidal attempt. About 800,000 people die yearly by suicide. Worldwide, suicide is the second leading cause of death for people within the ages of 15–29 years. In 2012, approximately, 75% of global suicides occurred in low and middle income countries, as an example, in 2015, 34 farmers and structural laborers in India took their lives everyday. Nevertheless, suicide does not result from economic distress because in south korea which is one of the most developed countries in the world with the 11th highest gross domestic product as at 2016 still had a staggering rate of 32 per 100,...