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Suicide: A global health crisis

Every 10th of September has been declared World Suicide Prevention day, this is organized by the International Association for suicide prevention and co-sponsored by WHO as one of the policies to prioritize suicide prevention and awareness of suicide as a public health issue. Suicide is defined as the act of deliberately taking one’s life. A person who tries to take his or her life can be said to have made a suicidal attempt. About 800,000 people die yearly by suicide. Worldwide, suicide is the second leading cause of death for people within the ages of 15–29 years. In 2012, approximately, 75% of global suicides occurred in low and middle income countries, as an example, in 2015, 34 farmers and structural laborers in India took their lives everyday. Nevertheless, suicide does not result from economic distress because in south korea which is one of the most developed countries in the world with the 11th highest gross domestic product as at 2016 still had a staggering rate of 32 per 100,...

Keloid: Causes, Remedies and Prevention (A must READ)

The picture above is that of a man named Keith Crowell who developed Keloid scars more than twelve years ago after a barber accidentally cut him on both sides of his neck. The Keloid scars grew so big, they weighed more than 40 pounds. I would love share with you some important facts about keloid which you may not know. What are Keloid Scars? A Keloid scar can be described as a raised scar formed after an injury has healed completely. It is usually puffy in appearance and has a shiny look. Normally, when the skin is damaged or cut, the body produces collagen which helps in repairing the damaged skin. While some research says the cause of Keloid is not known, a few believe it is due to overproduction of the required amount of collagen needed to restore the skin back to normal. Keloid could occur in various forms ranging from very small to very large and it is usually pink or red in colour. Aside from Keloid scar, there are other kinds of scar which includes: Atropic scars (from acne and...

What do you know about BPH? (A must read for every one).

  While working one morning in my room, I overheard a bit of the discussion of an elderly couple whom I knew quite well as they passed by my house. The elderly man was complaining to his wife about how he couldn’t catch enough sleep at night because he was urinating frequently, (“there really is no cause for alarm” I said to myself). But then, his wife asked about the drug he was using and I realized that there was a problem. As much as a lot of factors could be responsible for Baba’s frequent urination, one very common cause is BPH and is a common condition as men grow older. What is BPH? How do men get affected? These are some of the important questions I will be answering in this article. So please, fasten your seatbelt as I take you on this “tour” of BPH. What is BPH? BPH is an acronym for benign prostate hyperplasia, also called prostate gland enlargement. The prostate is part of the male reproductive system. It’s about the size of a walnut and weighs about an ounce. It is fou...

Seven best ways to keep your heart healthy and strong

Your heart is in hands. Do you know that cardiovascular diseases are now the first in rank of diseases that claim the life of people over the world? In as much as I am not trying to spread fear, I believe it’s important we keep abreast with what is happening around us. In light of this, I would be sharing with you, seven best ways to keep your heart continuously working properly and effectively. Yes, because the heart is majorly linked to cardiovascular diseases. So, let’s move quickly!! The first way is to drink a lot of water . Water keeps your body hydrated and keeps your vital organs working well and strong. Second, cut the fat. I know you love pies, pastries, cakes, fatty meats, butter and margarine a lot but you have to slash your intake to no more than 7% of your daily calories because they contain lots of saturated fat. You should check the nutrition labels on the things you buy. Take stock of what you eat and avoid foods high in saturated fats. Thirdly, reduce salt intake ...

MEN-O-PAUSE: What role do men play in it? (A must read for every man and woman)

  Menopause could be very challenging sometimes. Someone once said that most of the problems women are faced with today are linked to men which includes menstrual pain, menopause, mental disorder…. I will leave that for you to decide if it’s true or not. Today, I will be intimating you on the challenges of menopause. Well, as much as this is not a health problem, the hormonal changes and other factors which are associated with it, that brings about discomfort, makes it a topic worthy of discourse. As always, let’s start with the definition. Menopause can be defined as a complete year (must be up to a year) without menstrual flow in the absence of any surgery or medical condition that may cause menstrual flow to stop which includes: surgical removal of uterus and ovaries, use of hormonal birth control, over active thyroid etc. Menopause usually occurs as a natural phenomenon as every woman is expected to go through it, normally within ages of 45–50. When it occurs within ages 40 and...


  Why do I have indigestion and how can I prevent its recurrence? Woman lying down in pain. Have you ever felt an uncomfortable sensation in your belly during or after a meal? Many people are familiar with the discomfort of indigestion, more so in the present situation, where people are holed up in their homes with fear of coronavirus lurking around. But, whether indigestion is as a result of stress, overeating, pregnancy or triggering foods, there are practical steps to ease the symptoms. The first thing I would like you to note is, indigestion is not a disease. It’s a common condition as it happens in people of all ages. It occurs when your body has a problem digesting food and this problem could be functional i.e your digestive system just decides to act abnormally sometimes for no known cause. It could also be linked to a digestive system disorder such as peptic ulcer, this could be an factor if you experience it often. You could have a range of symptoms including: pain, b...


  I would like to start with my own experience with allergies. During my early childhood, I used to have a series of skin reactions which were usually very painful as my parents would use a series of cream and ointments on my skin some of them would cause burning sensations all over my body. My parents would have to ”spread” me under the fan for hours for me to get relieved. Nobody knew what was causing the skin reactions and people were beginning to think I had skin diseases. Even the doctors we visited, were not sure either what the problem was. But as I grew older, I became more knowledgeable and with the help of God, I was able to surmount my skin problems. Let’s delve quickly into the subject of discourse. Allergies, in simple words, are your body’s immune system response to a false alarm. This false alarm signals the presence of foreign substance not typically harmful to every other person. Such substances include: medicines, food, pollen grains, fur, insects, insect bite etc...