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Why do I have indigestion and how can I prevent its recurrence?

Woman lying down in pain.

Have you ever felt an uncomfortable sensation in your belly during or after a meal? Many people are familiar with the discomfort of indigestion, more so in the present situation, where people are holed up in their homes with fear of coronavirus lurking around. But, whether indigestion is as a result of stress, overeating, pregnancy or triggering foods, there are practical steps to ease the symptoms.

The first thing I would like you to note is, indigestion is not a disease. It’s a common condition as it happens in people of all ages. It occurs when your body has a problem digesting food and this problem could be functional i.e your digestive system just decides to act abnormally sometimes for no known cause. It could also be linked to a digestive system disorder such as peptic ulcer, this could be an factor if you experience it often.

You could have a range of symptoms including: pain, belching, feeling of fullness, bloating (full of liquid, gas or food), nausea and/ or vomiting, gurgling stomach (your stomach makes a lot of noise). Indigestion could be mild or severe. For severe cases of indigestion i.e if it occurs frequently, you should see a doctor.

Indigestion is often linked to people’s lifestyle such that people who eat food hard to process such as fatty or spicy foods, eat too late in the night, drink alcohol or carbonated drinks, take too much of caffeine and certain medicines such as pain reliefs and iron supplements and do not have enough sleep often fall victim of indigestion.

Prevention of Indigestion if not chronic, is very simple.You can try to combat it by chewing your food well, reduce fatty and spicy foods,reduce intake of carbonated drinks,eat your meals at least three hours before sleep and keeping a diary to have a better understanding of what your triggers might be.If you are able to avoid the cause, you most likely won’t have to deal with the symptoms.

Thanks for reading.

References -What causes indigestion? -Indigestion(dyspepsia) Symptoms,Causes, Diet and Treatments. — Here’s everything you need to know about indigestion and heartburn


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