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 The strongest people are not those who show strength in front of us, but those who win battles we know nothing about. –Anonymous

   I would like to share a true life story of a young man who died by suicide on the fourth attempt, after seven years of living with depression.

Before he died, he wrote a letter to his mum, apologising for his actions and another to a lady, who has always been there for him, asking her also to forgive him and telling her he thinks what he felt for her was love.

  I know a lot of us have heard stories like this before now and I would love to ask you a question: Why do you think most people fall into depression?

  Has it ever occurred to you that  LACK OF SELF LOVE could be a major factor in the cause of depression? I personally think it’s effect is very massive!! and I would explain why.

Many people see themselves as worthless, inferior, useless and treat themselves in such a manner. The truth is depression isn’t far from them because the quality of a man’s life is not far from his thoughts.

To love yourself right now, just as you are, is to give yourself heaven. Don’t wait until you die, if you wait, you die now. If you love, you live now –Jasmine warga

  So dear friends, I believe the best antidote to depression is LOVE but you find LOVE by finding YOU. Believe that you are unique and special, none like you on planet earth, that’s the truth!

  Every day, wake up having a positive attitude and energy towards life. Even if you don’t feel it, FAKE IT!!!! It will eventually come true.  

  Remember when you learn to love yourself, you will be able to love and accept others genuinely and together we can conquer this menace called depression.

 Thanks for reading.



  1. More inspirational than Medical, Thanks.

  2. Self love mmmmmm. But don't you think sometimes affirmation from others is just what we need to keep us away from depression. Sometimes we just need that someone who'll be there to hear us out. Don't you think so? I'll need a reply Ma

  3. Yes, true receiving affirmation is necessary but most depressed people do not appreciate affirmation from others because they do not first of all appreciate themselves as being who they are and that is most important. Now, for normal people (without depression) the same applies, you will not always get affirmation from others. We must learn to affirm ourselves with or without people. In my opinion, you stay away from depression better that way. Affirmation may not come from people when you need it the most. So, Be your own number one cheerleader!

  4. Nice one my Pharmacist; more Grace!

  5. Nice one Doc. We need to understand that out happiness us in our hands, no one has the monopoly or key to our happiness. Choosing to be happy is a conscious effort. Choosing to love yourself beyond whatever circumstances help in overcoming situations that could possibly weight us down. More grace doc


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