In 2015, a case report of Obstetrics and Gynecology was released by Hindawi of a 29 year-old patient from Bangladesh who initially came down a year before, in her first pregnancy, with spontaneous abortion. During the examination of the pelvis of her second pregnancy, the patient was diagnosed with Uterus Didelphys which presented no symptoms at all.
What is uterus didelphys?
Uterus didelphys is a rare medical disorder that occurs during the development of the female foetus in the womb and it is therefore medically referred to as Congenital Abnormality. This medical condition is characterised by double uteruses(wombs) with two different cervixes(narrow end at the opening of a woman's uterus) and in some cases, double vagina as well.
What causes this medical disorder?
The cause of uterus didelphys is not known but some doctors believe it could be hereditary. However, what is known is that the development of the foetus in the womb was altered at a point. Normally in the female foetus, the uterus starts out as two small tubes. As the foetus develops, the tubes join to create one larger, hollow organ-the uterus. But sometimes, the tubes don't join completely. Instead, each one develops into a separate structure. A double uterus may have one opening into one vagina, or each uterus cavity may have a cervix. In many cases, a thin wall of tissue runs down the length of the vagina, dividing it into two separate openings.
Symptoms of uterus didelphys
There are no symptoms as the medical condition itself is often discovered accidentally during a regular pelvic exam or during imaging tests to determine the cause of repeated miscarriages. Women who have double vagina along with double uterus, initially consult a doctor for menstrual bleeding that isn't stopped by a tampon or menstrual pad because in such situation, while the tampon is placed in one vagina, blood continues to flow out from the second uterus through the vagina.
Complications of uterus didelphys include:
Premature birth
Kidney abnormalities.
Despite these complications, women with this issue still have normal sex lives, pregnancies and child deliveries. Please take note of this.
Is there a way to eradicate this medical disorder?
It is rare for a patient with a double uterus to go through surgery to unite the uterus. But surgery may help a patient sustain a pregnancy if she has a partial division within her uterus and no other medical explanation for a previous pregnancy loss.
Thank you for reading.
#Stay healthy with Goodness. -Double uterus, symptoms and causes. -What is a double uterus and does it affect pregnancy? -Uterine didelphys- symptoms, causes, treatment.. -Uterine didelphys: A case report and review of literature.
Thanks a lot!!!!